• Title:Aesthetic
  • Artist:関山蓝果
  • Album:医龙原声
  • KaraokeRate:1★
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    Longing for you
    Day and in dream
    I'm hoping you're here
    And leading my way
    You suggest my road
    Anytime I need
    If you walk away
    I will follow you
    Driving my life
    with your secret gift you gave to me
    I will bear
    as aesthetic as your precious soul
    Holding your hand
    and I walk it
    through the whole of the world
    Carrying your wish
    like the Venus in the limit sky

    Driving my life
    with your secret gift you gave to me
    I will bear
    as aesthetic as your precious soul
    Holding your hand
    and I walk it
    through the whole of the world
    Carrying your wish
    like the Venus in the limit sky