AutoLyric 6.1.1版本发布

AutoLyric 6.1.1

  • 完善对高DPI支持。完美兼容像Surface Pro等高DPI、高分辨率的计算机屏幕。
  • 改进对上传歌词语言的检测,忽略只有占比例很小的歌词句子。
  • 上传歌词时,除去歌名、艺术家、专辑项目头尾空格。





现在可以了。偶然发现windows10,wmp关闭时出现access violation错误。这两天经过反复调试,结果发现不是AutoLyric的问题,是wmp32本身的问题,卸载了autolyric情况下,wmp32还会出现这个问题,wmp64就不会。

网站终于又能上了 好耶!



安装之后开启foobar2000整个程序崩溃  卸载插件后不再崩溃 不知怎么解决


The same thing happened
Is this part of the crash report a hint?

Stack dump analysis:
Address: 76D8B512h (KERNELBASE+12B512h), symbol: "RaiseException" (+62h)
Address: 76EBBA98h (ntdll+2BA98h), symbol: "RtlDeleteBoundaryDescriptor" (+18h)
Address: 76ED3BA7h (ntdll+43BA7h), symbol: "RtlFreeAnsiString" (+17h)
Address: 76D74A82h (KERNELBASE+114A82h), symbol: "LoadLibraryExA" (+32h)
Address: 58A29AE5h (foo_autolyric+39AE5h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+38435h)
Address: 589F0000h (foo_autolyric+0h)
Address: 58A420C0h (foo_autolyric+520C0h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+50A10h)
Address: 58A468B0h (foo_autolyric+568B0h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+55200h)
Address: 58A32AF0h (foo_autolyric+42AF0h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+41440h)
Address: 58A4213Ch (foo_autolyric+5213Ch), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+50A8Ch)
Address: 58A140D9h (foo_autolyric+240D9h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+22A29h)
Address: 58A420C0h (foo_autolyric+520C0h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+50A10h)
Address: 58A468B0h (foo_autolyric+568B0h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+55200h)
Address: 589F9721h (foo_autolyric+9721h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+8071h)
Address: 589F0000h (foo_autolyric+0h)
Address: 58A2A8CEh (foo_autolyric+3A8CEh), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+3921Eh)
Address: 589F7B3Eh (foo_autolyric+7B3Eh), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+648Eh)
Address: 00E7A228h (foobar2000+1CA228h)
Address: 00E6B7C8h (foobar2000+1BB7C8h)
Address: 58A46000h (foo_autolyric+56000h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+54950h)
Address: 589F0000h (foo_autolyric+0h)
Address: 76ED502Ah (ntdll+4502Ah), symbol: "RtlGetCurrentServiceSessionId" (+13EAh)
Address: 76ED502Ah (ntdll+4502Ah), symbol: "RtlGetCurrentServiceSessionId" (+13EAh)
Address: 76ED502Ah (ntdll+4502Ah), symbol: "RtlGetCurrentServiceSessionId" (+13EAh)
Address: 76ED502Ah (ntdll+4502Ah), symbol: "RtlGetCurrentServiceSessionId" (+13EAh)
Address: 76F00000h (ntdll+70000h), symbol: "EtwProcessPrivateLoggerRequest" (+B0h)
Address: 76F0AD20h (ntdll+7AD20h), symbol: "wcstombs" (+70h)
Address: 76F178FDh (ntdll+878FDh), symbol: "RtlGetNtGlobalFlags" (+78Dh)
Address: 76F17924h (ntdll+87924h), symbol: "RtlGetNtGlobalFlags" (+7B4h)
Address: 76FB4F78h (ntdll+124F78h), symbol: "NlsAnsiCodePage" (+1630h)
Address: 76FB4F78h (ntdll+124F78h), symbol: "NlsAnsiCodePage" (+1630h)
Address: 76FB4FB8h (ntdll+124FB8h), symbol: "NlsAnsiCodePage" (+1670h)
Address: 76ED25E5h (ntdll+425E5h), symbol: "RtlReleaseSRWLockExclusive" (+115h)
Address: 76EBDD63h (ntdll+2DD63h), symbol: "RtlpMuiRegCreateRegistryInfo" (+123h)
Address: 76ED3C06h (ntdll+43C06h), symbol: "RtlFreeHeap" (+46h)
Address: 76EBDD63h (ntdll+2DD63h), symbol: "RtlpMuiRegCreateRegistryInfo" (+123h)
Address: 76ED3C06h (ntdll+43C06h), symbol: "RtlFreeHeap" (+46h)
Address: 76ED626Fh (ntdll+4626Fh), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+4DFh)
Address: 00E4CE0Dh (foobar2000+19CE0Dh)
Address: 00CC73CDh (foobar2000+173CDh)
Address: 76ED5DCEh (ntdll+45DCEh), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+3Eh)
Address: 76ED5DCEh (ntdll+45DCEh), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+3Eh)
Address: 74E30166h (ucrtbase+30166h), symbol: "malloc_base" (+26h)
Address: 00E4CDECh (foobar2000+19CDECh)
Address: 00D3F080h (foobar2000+8F080h)
Address: 00ECBF70h (foobar2000+21BF70h)
Address: 00ECBF70h (foobar2000+21BF70h)
Address: 00D3EF3Fh (foobar2000+8EF3Fh)
Address: 00DE9B31h (foobar2000+139B31h)
Address: 589FDDE3h (foo_autolyric+DDE3h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+C733h)
Address: 00CDC5E2h (foobar2000+2C5E2h)
Address: 00CC4781h (foobar2000+14781h)
Address: 00CC479Dh (foobar2000+1479Dh)
Address: 00E7A228h (foobar2000+1CA228h)
Address: 00E6B7C8h (foobar2000+1BB7C8h)
Address: 58A2A9D1h (foo_autolyric+3A9D1h), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+39321h)
Address: 00D3A056h (foobar2000+8A056h)
Address: 58A4402Ch (foo_autolyric+5402Ch), symbol: "foobar2000_get_interface" (+5297Ch)
Address: 00E57332h (foobar2000+1A7332h)
Address: 00D3AFF6h (foobar2000+8AFF6h)
Address: 76ED5DCEh (ntdll+45DCEh), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+3Eh)
Address: 76ED5DCEh (ntdll+45DCEh), symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+3Eh)
Address: 76D60A9Bh (KERNELBASE+100A9Bh), symbol: "SetConsoleCtrlHandler" (+CBh)
Address: 76E397E0h (KERNELBASE+1D97E0h), symbol: "WakeConditionVariable" (+1D44h)
Address: 74E6898Dh (ucrtbase+6898Dh), symbol: "fpieee_flt" (+6CDh)
Address: 00E6B7C8h (foobar2000+1BB7C8h)
Address: 00E57424h (foobar2000+1A7424h)
Address: 00D3B375h (foobar2000+8B375h)
Address: 00ECEADCh (foobar2000+21EADCh)
Address: 00E57447h (foobar2000+1A7447h)
Address: 00E4D6ACh (foobar2000+19D6ACh)
Address: 00CB0000h (foobar2000+0h)
Address: 00E4D730h (foobar2000+19D730h)
Address: 00E4D730h (foobar2000+19D730h)
Address: 00E4CDAFh (foobar2000+19CDAFh)
Address: 76B8FA29h (KERNEL32+1FA29h), symbol: "BaseThreadInitThunk" (+19h)
Address: 76B8FA10h (KERNEL32+1FA10h), symbol: "BaseThreadInitThunk" (+0h)
Address: 76EF7A7Eh (ntdll+67A7Eh), symbol: "RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath" (+11Eh)
Address: 76E1E900h (KERNELBASE+1BE900h), symbol: "UnhandledExceptionFilter" (+0h)
Address: 76F0AD20h (ntdll+7AD20h), symbol: "wcstombs" (+70h)
Address: 76EF7A4Eh (ntdll+67A4Eh), symbol: "RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath" (+EEh)
Address: 76F18A12h (ntdll+88A12h), symbol: "RtlCaptureContext" (+D2h)
Address: 00E4D730h (foobar2000+19D730h)

which version of foobar do you use? and which components?maybe there is a conflict within compoents?you could pack your total foobar and send to me to check it.

I installed foobar2000 (v1.6.7) in a portable way to try various things, and when I checked the portable installation in the AutoLyric setup, it started.
After deleting the Autolyric folder in the components folder,
I reinstalled without checking the portable installation in the AutoLyric setup.
It crashed as before.

i don't think it relate to the portable installation or not. could you pack your total foobar and send to me?

I will send it.
I couldn't use gmail to send a binary file.
I can't help it, so I use outlook.

the pack you sended to me is a normal installation.whatever,the foobar with autolyric you sended to me works without an error on my computer(win10).I doubt the pack is not total.

A portable installation of AutoLyric works normally with foobar2000.
A non-portable installation of AutoLyric crashes foobar2000.
So I sent foobar in a non-portable state. I also confirmed a crash once.
There should be "foobar2000\profile\crash reports\failure_00000001.txt"

Since errors may occur due to differences in the environment, I don't think it's good to doubt the reporter first.
I don't have enough time to report a fake error.
I was curious because I was making something similar.In my case, it's a hobby.

I see.maybe autolyricwindll.dll cann't be linked in non-portable installation.missed or something wrong in reg in your environment.thanks for your report.

I hope this report helps identify the cause of the crash.
Well, it happens only in a specific environment, and it seems that it can be avoided by portable installation, so isn't it so fatal?

AutoLyric released many years, and works well.
I don't know if autolyric installed correctly in your environment.
what you supplyed is not enough to check what's wrong.