• 標題:Binary Star
  • 歌手:SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Uru
  • 專輯:
  • 卡拉OK評級:1★
  • 語言:zh-Hant;en
  • 注釋:中日對照
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    作詞 : Benjamin & mpi

    An adorable star we can see from afar 遙望天空彼方 一顆明星引人景仰
    But a truth it belies 將行至其間的人們
    All who enters her dies 紛紛殞命的真相盡數掩埋
    Hear the beating of wings as the pendulum swings 聆聽翅膀拍擊 伴隨鐘擺奏鳴
    And we can't believe it's ever gonna end 我們無法相信 它亦會有終焉之時
    You know blood is thicker than water 你已明知 血濃于水
    But you just want everyone to get along 卻執意希望大家能夠和平相處
    For the candles in the darkness 隱于黑暗中的燭光
    Burning up the sorrow 將悲痛燃盡
    There's no end to sadness 傷感永無止境
    We didn't learn 我們未嘗可知
    For the broken hearted people 對于心灰意冷的人們
    Diamonds now surrounds us 我們正閃耀著璀璨光芒
    So out of our mind 因此 忘卻歷史
    Leave the past behind 就將往事成風吧
    We're a binary heart 我們共存一顆心靈
    Tear each other apart 將彼此分離體外
    Growing from the same stem 縱然本是同根而生
    They were us. We were them 他們即是我們 我們亦是他們
    On a course to collide 星際航線即將碰撞
    Is it strength not to hide? 這正是毫無保留的力量嗎?
    Let the politics decide you're not a friend 政治觀念決定 你并不是一位伙伴
    Binary 雙子星
    A centrifugal force 強大的離心力
    Pushing us far away 將彼此推向兩端
    That's our eternity 那是永恒的歸宿
    We can't escape the force 此等力量 我們無法逃脫
    Crushing us. 歷經粉碎
    Gravity is our eternity 萬有引力 即為永恒