• Title:The Harrowing Adventures Of...
  • Artist:Tokyo Police Club
  • Album:Elephant Shell
  • KaraokeRate:1★
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    Tokyo Police Club - The Harrowing Adventures Of...

    The harrowing adventures of
    you and I when we were captains of
    Submarines made of steel
    Discovering the seven seas
    Fending off the giants of the deep
    Pendants from hanging teeth

    Your ghost did you wrong
    When he whiped your spit on the table cloth
    I am here to fight
    And let your blood in the dim moon light
    Two wrongs making right

    The harrowing adventures of
    You and I before our eyes light up
    Shadows cast in the night
    Lead me to your old home
    Sat at the tables for two alone
    Pass the salt, pour the wine
    'Cause I'm alright if you're alright