Have you seen the little piggies你是否见过小猪
Crawling in the dirt 泥地里滚爬
And for all the little piggies 所有这些小猪
Life is getting worse生活每况愈下
Always having dirt to play around in.总在泥里挣扎
Have you seen the bigger piggies你是否见过大猪
In their starched white shirts穿笔挺衬衫
You will find the bigger piggies发现这些大猪
Stirring up the dirt搅动尘泥污烂
Always have clean shirts to play around in.总有衣服替换
In their sties with all their backing猪圈里 自立为王
They don't care what goes on around它们不管世态炎凉
In their eyes there's something lacking眼神中 目空一切
What they need's a damn good whacking.它们迟早跌大跟头
Everywhere there's lots of piggies到处是猪猡
Living piggy lives猪一样生活
You can see them out for dinner你瞧它们外出寻觅晚餐
With their piggy wives母猪却在
Clutching forks and knives to eat their bacon.手握刀叉吃它们的培根