• Title: distance
  • Artist:boa
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  • KaraokeRate:1★
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  • Uploador:Wang
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    BoA - Distance
    When it snows outside on this winter night
    Im looking for a trace of you
    Ill never forget the time that we met
    the winter when we fell in love
    I know it wasnt our time
    we had to go our seperate ways
    You dont know that silently I was crying for you to stay
    The years come and go
    but Im still all alone
    My tears like snow flakes
    falling without a sound
    I wish I was with you now
    Ill never forget the time tha we met
    catching glances in the snow
    Your name falls under my lips
    Icicles peers my heart
    Now I wait and send up my wish
    to find wherever you are
    Theres nothing more that I want
    then to feel the warm embrace of your love
    but I have faith and the promise that you made
    and in the frosted window I see your trace