• Title:Never Fade Away (Andy Duguid Remix)
  • Artist:John O'Callaghan feat. Lo-Fi Sugar
  • Album:Never Fade Away (The Remixes)
  • KaraokeRate:3★
  • Languages:en
  • Remark:
  • Uploador:RevolutionVoid
  • TXT Lyric:

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    Never fade away
    Never fade away
    Never fading out
    Stars aren't so bright
    When you're not here
    I'll wait forever my dear
    Your light, your light
    Your light, your light
    May it never
    Never fade away
    Never fading out
    Stars aren't so bright
    When you're not here
    I'll wait forever my dear
    Never fade away
    Never fading out
    Stars aren't so bright
    When you're not here
    Your light, your light
    Your light, your light
    May it never