• Title:TIME
  • Artist:齐豫
  • Album:这就是人生
  • KaraokeRate:1★
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  • Uploador:love_autolyric
  • TXT Lyric:

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    Today I'm closing up the house
    cause it don't feel like home
    The harder twilight pulls at me
    the less I wanna go
    They say that all the streets of heaven
    are paved with gold
    That's just to hurry up us folks
    That get too old
    Time gets me wound up
    like a clock inside my head
    Time gets me spinning my own wheels
    And when I think that there ain't one more inch
    this worn out heart can give
    Time's gonna teach me how it feels
    Watch your hands they don't get caught
    I'm bout to close this door
    You bright young kids are all I got
    and now I know what for
    You'll see that love's the only thing
    we're got to show
    Time will just run out but love I know
    Time gets you wound up
    like a clock inside your head
    Time gets you spinning your own wheels
    and while you're losing what you found
    you're finding out that's what you need
    Time's gonna teach you how it feels
    I know your father's watching
    He's saving me a place right by his side
    And that you don't like to hear that kind of talk
    But it ain't up to me to hide
    Don't make it hard for me to go
    Don't make it hard for me
    This house has seen some fifty years
    Atop the same old soil
    But houses are just houses child
    Its people are what's loyal