Sitting On the Roof of the World
I climbed a mountain
Not knowing that I had
Thought it was just a road from a to be
I took no protection
Not much of anything
Just went as I was
Looking in windows
And playing songs
And knocking on doors
And I was not scared
I just enjoyed the sights
Kept myself to myself
There I was
Not knowing how I got there
Or how to leave
Everyone says
I was lucky to have got there
As not many can
But truth be told I was saved
By the love Of a good man
Who came and got me
And bought me down
From on Up there
I'd be lying if I didn't say
I missed it now and then
But I have no wish to go back there
With all the gods
People say
What's so special about being back here
With everyone so close
But that's the point
I don't want to be different
I just want to fit in