• 标题:I Went To School One Morning
  • 歌手:Twins
  • 专辑:Singing In The Twins Wonderland
  • 卡拉OK评级:1★
  • 语言:
  • 注释:
  • 上传者:love_autolyric
  • 文本歌词:


    I went to school one morning,
    and i walked like this,
    Walked like this walked like this,
    I went to school one morning and i walked
    like this ,all on my way to school
    I saw a little robin,
    and he hopped like this,
    Hopped like this ,
    Hopped like this,hopped like this
    I saw a little robin and he hopped like this
    All on my way to school.
    I saw a shiny river,
    and heI splashed like this,
    splashed like this,splashed like this
    I saw a shiny river and I slashed like this,
    I saw a little pony,
    And he galloped like this,
    galloped like this,galloped like this
    I saw a little pony, and he galloped like this
    All on my way to school.
    i saw a poor old lady,
    And she hobbled like this,
    hobbled like this hobbled like this
    i saw a poor old lady and she hobbled like this
    All on my way to school
    I saw a tall policeman,
    And he stood like this,
    stood like this,stood like this,
    I saw a tall policeman and he stood like this
    I heard the schoolbell ringing,
    And i ran like this
    ran like this ran like this
    I heard the schoolbell ringing and i ran like this