• 標題:Fil, Fil A Run O
  • 歌手:Cara Dillon
  • 專輯:Hill Of Thieves
  • 卡拉OK評級:1★
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    Fil, Fil a Run ó - Cara Dillon

    Fil, fil a rún ó "Come back come back my love (literally my secret) "
    Fil, fil a rún ó is ná himigh uaim "Come back my love and don't leave me"
    Fillorm a chuisle's a stór "Return to me my darling (literally my pulse) and my treasure"
    Agus Chifidh tú 'n ghlóir má fhillean tú "and you will see the glory, if you come back"

    Shúil mise thall is abhus "I walked around and about"
    I móta ghrainn' óige do rudagh mé "a place name litterally the Moat of young Graace"
    'S ni fhaca aon iontas go foil "and I never yet saw such a wonder"
    Mar an sagart ó Dónaill 'na mhinistir "As the priest O Donnell as a Minister"

    Fil, fil a rún ó "Come back come back my love"
    Fil, fil a rún ó is ná himigh uaim "Come back my love and don't leave me"
    Má fhillean tú innui nó go deo "If you come back tomorrow or ever"
    Fil insane ord 'nar oileadh tú " Return to the (religious) Order you were trained in"

    Dhiúltaigh tú Peadar is Pól "You foresook Peter and Paul"
    Mar gheall ar an ór's ar an airgead "On account of Gold and Silver"
    Dhiúltaigh tú banrion na glóire "You foresook the Queen of Glory"
    Agus d'iompaigh tú i gcóta 'n mhinistir "And you turned to the coat of a minister"

    Fil, fil a rún ó "Come back come back my love"
    Fil, fil a rún ó is ná himigh uaim "Come back my love and don't leave me"
    Fillorm a chuisle's a stór "Return to me my darling (literally my pulse) and my treasure"
    Agus Chifidh tú 'n ghlóir má fhillean tú "and you will see the glory, if you come back"