• Title:Blue Eyed Hexe
  • Artist:Pixies
  • Album:EP2
  • KaraokeRate:1★
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    Blue Eyed Hexe - Pixies
    I went to make the vivisection
    Saw the star carved on the chest
    Got lost, attacking heaven
    Caused through the gaze of the blue eyed Hexe
    Blue Eyed Hexe
    Hexe Hexe
    I tried so hard
    But I was not able
    Scalpel's going down to her navel
    I felt her burning in my soul to pieces
    Give me the power, give me the Hexe
    I tried to nix it, find the brakes
    Spirits take me to the streets
    I clawed my eyes to stop my heresy
    Stop the burning of the blue eyed Hexe